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Thursday, August 16, 2012

My easy day

Now there's a cute T-shirt...

    Today was frank take it easy only think about Alzheimer's day.
I blocked it off on my colander days ago. It said Frank-Alzheimer s all day!
Of course, if you have Alzheimer's first thing that comes to mind is, " I wish it was only for one day"... Cause that's how we are wired, well some of us anyway.
For the past several days I have been thinking about the words lewy body. And I had no idea why. It is anoying. Today, while at our support group someone mentioned that one of us had lewy body. I lit up like a christmass tree. They where talking about the words I have been thinkning about.
Now I know it means Alzheimer's and um, ( hang on let me look it up).... Parkinson's at the same time...
I had an incident a few months ago where i had something calld.. ( looking up again).... Tardive dyskinesia ( Parkinson like movements) so severe I could not walk and had to have my wife and her sister help me walk 10 feet. The symptoms went away after I stopped the medicine, but i still get tremmors now and then ever since that day. MY doctor mentioned Lewy body at that time I guess and since i have been having tremors again latle y I can only assume that is why the words have been in my brain for the past week or so..
I am glad thats over LOL.
A lday at our meeting tonight gave me some of her slow Mag to help me sleep tonight.
I am to take it with tylonal and it is supposed to make the bad dreams go away.
I took an extra dose of cocnut oil ( on my cantelope lol) tonight so that might help as well.
Who knew it ALSO help my cholesterol!!! AWESOME stuff... I am so glad I like coconut lol
Someone in our family does not like coconut, I feel sorry for them.

Today I continued searching for some way to make money working from home so i dont have to risk driving all over teh country.
I have tried several different things in the past two weeks, but none of them has panned out mucas of today.I will post my progress once something works....
I have another blog for just that, income opportunities LOL
I will also be making a mailing list as son as I can figure out how .. LOL.
The mailing list will be a monthly or weekly new letter with any and all interesting news on Alzheimer's that we get during that period of time.

I had hoped to have some other fellow Alzheimer comrads post in here, but tht  might take some time.
Not everyone is willing to wear their heart on their sleeves like us thespians.
My mom taught me to dance at the age  of 4 and it has been down hill ever since lol.

One of the things we discused today is that most of the people in our room have extraordinary past life experices.
The people in our groups are accomplished in life, all educated all very active in the community and intelligent and well to do at least at one point in their life. Teachers, professors, big business owners, career military etc..

Another key point was educating people about their lack of undertanding..
Once of our members is very active still and was was actively recruiting funds for our cause and ran into a fellow professional. Since she is and was a well known member of the community the person said HEY " your that one that has Alzheimer's huh" and she said yes. Then the lady said Well... You musty be gettig better then!! LOL
Why is that funny?? Well, because we dont get better. There is no cure. We only get worse.
Our best hope, our prayer our goal, is to slow it down...
We are in a race against the race.
Like I told my precious wonderful adorable loving wife tonight after the group. I am not ready yet.
I have too much left to do, to many places I want to take her , show her share with her.
The world is so large, and I want her to see it the way I did. To love it live it and learn it.
I told her I will be so angree if i don't get to share with her.
So irate if we don't get to have enough time ...
Of course laughingly ( she is so darn cute) she said, but honey you wont remember.. LOL
I told her, some how inside i think ill know,, but I pray I don't...

I know i should not be angered. I have been blessed by God with so many things in my life that losing them is merely making me like many others that never had them to begin with.
But somehow it still hurts...

I am so thankful that there are medicines out there, holistic things like the coconut oil and this slow mag if it works.
So thankful that there is an organization like the Alzheimer's association and so many people that are getting involved to support us and our family's
So thankful for people like Robert?? (hope that's right I repeated his name all the way home).that work at the rehab here in Abilene near us that dedicate his time to helping to get us out of the house and up there to exorcise and be sociable so we don't sit at home and atrophy. The brain is a muscle and needs oxygen like the rest of the body. He is a young pup, not even 30 from his bone structure and his mannerisms and colloquialisms are indicative of an rough life as a child meaning he has come a long way to get where he is helping us at such a young age. And he has God at his side. He seemed honestly interested in our illness and stayed WAY past the time he needed to to socialize with us.

Well, it is WAY past my bed time, but u had to vent...
I am going to red more about this diet for the brain. Ketones for my Alzheimer ridden brain.
I remembered the term from school in relationship to Diabetes mellitus and from football when I was spilling Ketones... But never really thought about what they where.. Until now.

Tomorrow is another day.
Remember to tell everyone you love how you feel and always say thank you and please and treat Everyone with respect, even the stupid people :)

Good nite
Love you all...

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