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Monday, October 8, 2012

Just another MANIC monday

Morning everyone,
I am still alive.
It has been a long weekend...
We did the heart walk on Saturday, we only managed half of it.
Karen's hip and my heart could not do the second half...
I was limping the whole time with my new muscle cramps and pain in my legs.
I am out of my Tramidol, apparently I lost a bottle someplace, so i cant get a refill until the 14th?
i have not had any for ell over  week so i am in bad shape.
Add to that whatever bug i seemed to have picked up and the new muscles not working and my depression seems to be out of control.
I cry at the drop of  hat now?
I seem to let everything upset me no mater how small or insignificant...
my right arm stays swollen, sometimes i have to take off all the bracelets from all the walks and functions we have been on because they cut off my circulation and feeling in my right hand.
I started gaming again on my Xbox 360.
Bought a larger hard rive for it and it took me all day to transfer files from the old one, used to only take about an hour...
I had some young punk on there giving me grief trying to tell me wat to do and I lost it.
What is wrong with these young punks today thinking they can say whatever they want to us older people?
Calling me childish names and trying to order me around like he knows me and thinks he has some right???
I was in the military 25 years, one thing they learned, Frank does NOT take orders , he gives them...
Even our wing commander made suggestions to me knowing full well i would do anything he asked...
I am concerned about all these grown people living off us old people.
What the hell are they going to do when we die?
WE pay the bills buy and cook the food etc...
When we died, our homes are going to be lost to someone because our children are lazy , co dependent, and immature..
Nothing is EVER their fault and no one understands them...??
I expect that from a 13 year old; not 30-40 year old's and even one 50 year old that tried to subcontract for me for a short time.

Our children are in a sad state, who will take care of them when they get old?? no one.. apathy will have taken over ad old people will freeze to death starve to death and die of loneliness, and it will be them, our children that will be old. Their children are even lazier and have more excuse than our children have..
NO respect, no honor, no integrity... And violence and sex on TV is normal now.
When we where kids you could not even say shit hell or damn on TV at any time or you faced jail time and hefty fines..
Now they say just about anything and do just about anything and just put an advisory up...
90 percent of the children in this country dont have anyone watching what they watch to monitor it.
Th are now provisions on satellite to regulate what they watch on each TV, but few parents lock their own TVs so kids will do what kids do; find a way...
I feel sorry for them all..  t
their future is truly bleak..
OK enough soupboxing lol..
I have to try to see if i can figure out  who I owe money to and if I can figure out the best way to get it to them...
God bless you all...

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