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Monday, October 22, 2012

Free Reports!

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Johns Hopkins Health Alerts
Special Offer from Johns Hopkins Health Alerts

How to Achieve Optimum Brain Health

Peter V. Rabins, M.D.
Professor of Psychiatry,
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Dear Health Alert Reader,

To provide you with more in-depth coverage of new discoveries and treatment options, I've taken the liberty of reserving a complimentary introductory portfolio of Memory Special Reports for you. Each Report is devoted to a vital aspect of memory preservation and brain health:
Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin
FREE Special Report #1: Nutrition and Brain Power. New medical evidence suggests important dietary links that may impact mental functioning. Find out what the latest research says about foods and nutrients to consider adding to your diet -- or eliminating from it.
FREE Special Report #2: Medications and the Brain. With so many new prescription drugs on the market, you owe it to yourself and your loved ones to have the latest information on medicines that may impair memory and brain function. Your complimentary Medications and the Brain Special Report reports on the latest findings concerning drug interactions and side effects, as well as emerging "wonder" drugs -- and a few unexpected herbal supplements -- that may act as "brain superchargers," enhancing memory and mental sharpness.
FREE Special Report #3: "The 36-Hour Day". Excerpted from my Johns Hopkins University Press book by the same name, The 36-Hour Day offers practical advice and recommendations for more effective caregiving for loved ones suffering from early or late-stage Alzheimer's disease or dementia.
FREE Special Report #4: Memory Boosters. Discover the latest preventive measures and self-tests that can help keep your mind sharper, stronger, and healthier.
Accept our invitation to become a subscriber today to The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin and your subscription will include these four Memory Special Reports, shipped with your first issue.

Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin cover

The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin:

A quarterly in-depth report on the latest scientific breakthroughs, research findings, and medical discoveries for safeguarding your brain against aging and memory loss.

The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin
is the latest in a series of Johns Hopkins publications focused on providing in-depth, up-to-the-minute coverage of important health issues for those whose family histories or personal health objectives may require an extremely thorough, knowledgeable, and scientifically accurate presentation of current information related to a specific medical topic.
As Medical Editor of The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin, it's my privilege to invite you to accept a risk-FREE subscription to this groundbreaking publication. Frankly, much of the information presented in the Bulletin has been the exclusive province of medical professionals -- until now.

Who will benefit from a subscription to
The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin?

If you're approaching your forties or older... if you have any history of Alzheimer's disease or related illnesses in your family... if a loved one or family member is presently facing or undergoing treatment for dementia... if you're concerned because you've experienced recurring "senior moments"... or if you're simply determined to maintain top mental acuity well into your later years, you'll find the The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin an indispensable adjunct to your health care regimen.
As medical editor of the The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin, working with renowned specialists in the field at one of the world's most respected medical research centers, I enjoy a privileged perspective on effective new therapies, emerging breakthroughs, and newly-discovered preventive measures for those at risk for brain-related health challenges, or undergoing treatment for them. Unfortunately, this vital information is simply not readily available to the average medical consumer. Even many physicians may not have ready access to up-to-the-minute research in this highly specialized field.
The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin will alert you to new therapeutic options before they're announced to the general public... upcoming clinical trials in which you or a loved one may be able to participate... revealing research on nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle influences, and diagnostic tools -- plus the latest news from medical conferences around the world. In addition, our distinguished panel of experts will provide detailed answers to subscribers' most pressing questions and concerns. Each and every issue will present in-depth reports with a single-minded focus on the preservation of your health and quality of life - yet free of esoteric medical jargon, so you can clearly understand the practical implications for you and your family.
As a subscriber to The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin, you'll enjoy access to a wealth of life-changing information. For instance, you'll find out about:
  • A commonly-prescribed cholesterol-lowering medication now being investigated as a possible therapeutic option for people with memory disorders. It's just one of the drugs currently prescribed for other ailments now undergoing clinical trials as "memory drugs" -- including two popular over-the-counter pain relievers.
  • Three vitally important vitamins for anyone concerned about memory loss. Taken in combination, they reduce the levels of an amino acid in your body now thought to influence the onset of dementia.
  • Recent studies of an ordinary kitchen spice that indicated a surprising reduction in the levels of Alzheimer's-like plaque in the brains of mice -- even with very low doses. New tests suggest this same spice may also stifle cancer.
  • Why you shouldn't waste your money on expensive Alzheimer's screening tests -- especially the ones promoted on the Internet.
  • A new category of medication that can bring about a dramatic improvement in cognitive function in many Alzheimer's patients.
  • The latest news about a drug called Ebixa -- already in use in Germany for 10 years but not yet approved in the U.S. It's the first therapy ever considered by the FDA as a treatment for moderate-to-severe Alzheimer's disease -- and the only drug to show positive Phase III results in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease when used in combination with another approved prescription product. Vital information.
  • The good news about drinking. Studies show that moderate drinking has a protective effect against dementia. Get complete details in The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin.
  • Top-rated support resources for caregivers. If you're caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease, you already know how important a support network can be. Our experts recommend the best current options, along with phone numbers and Web addresses.
  • A readily available nutritional supplement that can help safeguard your memory for just pennies a day. If it's not part of your health care regimen, now is the time to add it.
  • Why certain ethnic groups have a higher propensity for dementia -- and important lifestyle changes that can lower the risk.
  • The importance of BDNF (brain-derived neuropathic factor) in reducing your risk of dementia -- and how to increase your levels of this memory-boosting protein simply and easily.
  • The promises and pitfalls of the newly announced Alzheimer's vaccine.
  • The astonishing link between education level and your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Vitally important reading.
  • Memory enhancing exercises that work at any age. You can teach an old dog new tricks -- and The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin shows you exactly how.
  • Prescription therapies for circulatory disorders recently revealed to cut your risk of developing memory loss significantly.
  • Fascinating new findings about the influence of co-enzyme NADH in stimulating mental capacity.
  • Is it Alzheimer's disease? Ten warning signs to watch out for. If you observe them in yourself or a loved one, seek medical help immediately. The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin spells each of them out in detail.
  • New findings about health risks facing caregivers. People who care for a spouse suffering from dementia may develop impaired immune systems. Find out what to look out for -- and what to do about it -- in The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin.
  • How your daily activities, hobbies, and interests are an excellent predictor of your likelihood to develop dementia within the next five years.
  • The best ways to build up a "brain reserve" to help increase your resistance to neuro-degenerative diseases of the brain.
  • A $100 investment that could be your best protection against Alzheimer's. An item easily found in sporting goods stores might be the smartest health investment you ever made.
  • Why your walking speed may be one of the best indicators of your risk for memory loss. Find out how to test yourself -- and lower your risk for dementia.
  • The disturbing relationship between high blood pressure in mid-life and Alzheimer's disease -- and what you can do about it.
  • Three unexpected factors that can dramatically decrease your risk for dementia according to a Swedish study. People who had only one or none of these combined factors had a 60% greater risk for developing dementia than people who had two or three working in their favor.
  • How testosterone therapy improves memory in older men according to a recent study -- suggesting a possible link between declining hormone levels and memory loss in people with Alzheimer's disease.
  • Simple strategies for choosing the right nursing home -- including four key questions you absolutely need to ask.
And that barely scratches the surface. Each quarterly issue of The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin will be packed from cover to cover with practical, up-to-the-minute, life-changing information that can help you protect your brain from age-related decline -- and better preserve the health of loved ones who may suffer from Alzheimer's disease.
An unprecedented panel of specialists brings you scientifically-validated health information fresh from the leading medical journals and conferences -- written in plain English and mailed to your door four times a year!
This is invaluable health information -- yet your subscription to The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin is entirely risk-FREE. The subscription cost is just $149 for four quarterly issues -- a savings of $46 off the regular subscription price. And, here's more good news: If you are dissatisfied with the Bulletin at any time, for any reason -- simply contact us for a prompt and complete refund, no questions asked.
Your subscription to The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin will provide you with a level of privileged health information previously unavailable in a single reliable source. Here's what your subscription will include:
  • My Personal Letter. Each issue of The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin will include my Personal Letter reviewing critical memory-related developments of recent weeks. I'll report on the latest treatment options, new preventive strategies, just-announced results from clinical trials, revealing research studies that suggest ways to arrest the progression of Alzheimer's disease in its early stages -- plus much more.
  • In-Depth Reports. From new medications and emerging nutritional strategies to health problems facing caregivers and family members, each issue of The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin will bring you in-depth reports on key issues of concern. Leading experts in the field will present the latest findings -- all free of medical jargon and sensationalism.
  • Grand Rounds. A unique forum in which Memory Disorders Bulletin readers pose questions about important health care decisions - and receive detailed, authoritative answers from top Johns Hopkins specialists. While we can't guarantee that every single question will be answered, typical issues include as many as ten pages worth of readers' questions and expert medical responses.
  • Four Complimentary Special Reports. Start your subscription with four Memory Special Reports -- Nutrition and Brain Power, Medications and the Brain, "The 36-Hour Day" Caregivers Guide, and Mind Enhancers, proven strategies for energizing your mental capacity. All four are yours FREE and without obligation. Keep them with our compliments even if you decide not to continue with your subscription.
As Medical Editor of The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin, I'm enormously proud of our accomplishment. We've created a world-class medical publication, designed expressly for medical consumers who require the latest, most authoritative information on memory, brain health, and treatment options for Alzheimer's disease and related disorders. There's no other publication like it available today.

A risk-FREE opportunity
to improve your medical outlook --
and save $46!

As a friend of John Hopkins, you're invited to evaluateThe Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin on a risk-FREE basis. You have my personal guarantee that The Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin must live up to your expectations in terms of its timeliness, informativeness, and usefulness in your medical situation. If you're dissatisfied with your subscription in any way, simply notify us that you wish to cancel -- and you'll receive a prompt refund of your entire subscription cost, no questions asked. Keep the four Special Reports with our compliments.
When it comes to preserving memory and the health of the brain, information is truly the best medicine. If you or a loved one has reason to be concerned about maintaining optimum mental functioning... if you're entering your mid-years and have begun to notice the telltale early warning signs of memory loss... or even if you're just a person whose career or lifestyle interests demand peak mental sharpness and alertness -- I urge you to take us up on our risk-FREE offer. It could be one of the smartest health decisions you'll ever make.
To your good health,

Peter V. Rabins, M.D.
Director of Geriatric and Neuropsychiatry
Johns Hopkins Medicine
P.S. To receive your four FREE Johns Hopkins Memory Disorders Bulletin Special Reports, please order today. They are yours to keep with our best wishes even if you decide not to continue with your subscription.
Just click on the button below now:


Copyright © 2012 Remedy Health Media, LLC. 500 Fifth Avenue, 19th Floor, New York, NY 10110. All rights reserved.

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