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Friday, August 10, 2012

wow iv ben up all nite

Hello everyone,
no i haven't fallen off the face of the earth... Yet...
Today was my birthday, rather yesterday was.
Thank you to my lovely wonderful charming, intelligent, beautiful loving wife for a great day complete with cake and ice cream :)
Only bad thing was one of our children's cars broke down the night before and she sat out all nite instead of calling us?
I don't understand ?
Anyway, we went and got her and took her to lunch, then had her car towed tot he house.
She would not let me take it to the ford dealer, she wanted to save us money.
Karen took us shopping and we had a good day. right after supper though i had to go to work :(
I did not feel well and by the time i got to sweet water i ended up getting told to go home by the NCR rep because i looked ill..
They had to my people anyway..
I came home and started researching on the Internet and now it is 5 m..... OOOPs..
I love you dear....

nite everyone!!!!


  1. Happy belated Birthday, dear friend. I'm glad it was a great day despite car towing and illness.
