In martial arts and in Religion we say there is no such thing as impossible.
As i get further "down the rabbit hole" so to speak; I begin to wonder, ponder on the paramedic limitations of impossible.
Ten years ago, If you would have told me I would not remember what i ate yesterday, what I just read two minutes ago and would forget 10 languages my response, after laughing, would have been impossible...
I can help but wonder how far down the rabbit hole I will fall.
My intellect tells me I'm doomed and to just enjoy what time I have left/
My religious background tells me theologically that there is hope...
My wonderful wife and I are active in the local Alzheimer association and all the meetings and activities and even the support group.
My wife and I are both devout Christians, however, we are not religious as in, we can not stand the main stream organized religious standing today.
We both want to go to church, but don't know on a church that will accept us both and not judge one or both of us. so. we are without that aid in our life.
So, we are forced to pray as a couple and as a family when other family is here or we are there with them.
I get up each day, do my best , thank GOD for another day knowing I'm still me... Hoping that what I see and hear is real... Hoping I'm not already in stage three and this is my dream...
I have an early day tomorrow , First day alone. I hope I make it home OK...
May God bless you and watch over you and your loved ones.
Hold them close, tell them you love them NOW and every day ....
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